Author: Rich Mom

What To Do With Cash

Hello Young Person With Cash, You know that you have to invest some of your money in places like retirement accounts. However, not all of your money is for long term investing. You need to keep some money in the form of cash. This leads to the question: What to do with cash? There are […]

Pay Yourself First

Hello Young People, Pay yourself first! There, I said it. I know that lots of financial gurus advocate paying your debts off first, before you start investing anything. But, I am in the “pay yourself first” camp. What Does Pay Yourself First Mean? Pay yourself first means that each and every time you earn some […]

Become A Credit Card Deadbeat

Dear 30 and Under, I have usually heard the term “deadbeat” as a negative one. However, today, I am encouraging you to become a credit card deadbeat.  Not Sure If It Is Worth It To Become A Credit Card Deadbeat?  Let’s Start By Looking at Three Reasons To Use a Credit Card  First, using a […]

Diversifying Your Portfolio: The Early Stages

Dear Young Portfolio Holder, I am very excited that you have started or plan on starting an investment portfolio. Today, I am going to discuss the early stages of diversifying your portfolio. So, let’s get started.  First…What do I mean by Investment Portfolio?  The term “investment portfolio” is sometimes used to refer to a person’s […]

Becoming a Millionaire by Starting In My 20’s 

Dear In-Your-20s-&-Wondering-How-To-Become-a-Millionaire, I am often get asked questions such as, “How do I go about becoming a millionaire by starting in my 20’s?” I love this question because I like that the young person is thinking about building wealth. Sadly, so many young people are distracted by the glitz and commercialism that is ubiquitous on social […]