9 Inexpensive Date Ideas

Doing Jigsaw Puzzles is One of the Inexpensive Date Ideas.

Dear Young and Dating,

Today I am going to discuss some inexpensive date ideas! 

But, before I get started, I am hoping that you are happy and building healthy, fun, and enduring relationships. 

Now don’t get me wrong. I love fancy dates. One of my favorite dates was when I went to a restaurant named Le Bec-Fin. This restaurant, which is now closed, was once rated the best French restaurant in America. However, if you date frequently, restaurants priced like this one could be cost prohibitive for young people. I would recommend saving something like this for a very special occasion. 

Now on to… 

9 Inexpensive Date Ideas

The First 3 Date Ideas

  1. Have a themed date based on a foreign culture. You can do this by combining a variety of activities. First, you can start with sharing some music from the culture featured. If you have a foreign film playing in a theater in your area, you can plan to go see that film. To add to the theme, try to sample a food from the culture.  For instance, if it is a Mexican theme, you could have burritos afterward. If it were a french movie, you could have croissants or a french baguette and cheese. Are there any museums or stores that are based on the culture? If so, a visit to either could be nice. You don’t have to buy anything in the store. You can just “window shop.” Or, you could get  small souvenir, such as a key ring. An example of a store based on another culture is the French bookstore in New York City. It is a lovely store, in which, in addition to books written in French, you can find small souvenirs such as pencils. Oo-la-la!

2. Have a picnic. One person can pick up the food, or part of the date

can be shopping together. If one person is bringing the food, you

could pack it in a “picnic” basket. It helps with the aesthetic. Some

dates are more appropriate for couples that have been dating for

a while. I think that if one person is going to bring all of the food, it

is more appropriate for couples that have been dating for a while.

If you are relatively new to dating each other, it would be better to

go shopping together. However, I would suggest that even

shopping together and then picnicking is better after the sixth

date. (I am not a fan of people that don’t know each other  well

handling each other’s food, except for restaurant workers.)

Looking for Some Artistic Fun?

3. Do sketches together. You can draw in a sketchbook. For things to

sketch, you can sketch a still life by setting things like fruit, bowls,

vases, etc. or, you can sketch from a photo.  There are even videos

of how to sketch. (See below this post for a link to an example

video.)  But, if you look online, I am sure that you will be able find

more sketching videos. Not only is sketching fun, it reportedly

improves your mood. 

The Next Three Ideas for Inexpensive Dates

4. Cook a meal together. You can start by deciding which meal you

would like to co-cook…breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Then pick a menu

that you can both agree upon. Next, agree upon what the cooking

location will be. Then one of you can pick up the ingredients, or you

can do that together, also.  Based on the meal, menu, and prep &

cooking time, decide what time you want to meet to begin the

adventure.  Who knows…cooking together could be the recipe for


5. Assemble a jigsaw puzzle together. I am going to start by saying

that I love jigsaw puzzles.   Just get the puzzle and a card table. If

you are dating someone with whom you do not live, I suggest that

you do a 200 piece puzzle. Having a puzzle of this size makes it

more likely that you will be able to complete the puzzle during the

date.  If you live with the person, you may want to start a larger

puzzle, and plan to work on the puzzle on an ongoing basis going

forward or plan to complete the puzzle on another date.

My husband and I completed larger puzzles by working on them

on two or three at-home dates. For your date, you can plan to have

some background music, or even a movie that you don’t mind not

watching closely playing in the background. You can have finger

foods and snack foods. If you want to eat while working on the

puzzle, be sure to have wipes available, so hands can be cleaned

before touching the puzzle again. 

Another Food-Based Date Idea
  1. Cooking for your date. You may want to find out your date’s favorite foods are, and include some on the menu. After you have the menu planned, make plans for how you want to set the table. If you plan to use candles, make sure that you use scent-free candles. It is better than having scented candles mixing with or overpowering the schents of the foods. After going through the menu, make a list of all of the ingredients needed, and shop for whatever you do not already have. 

A Couple More Inexpensive Date Ideas

  1. Go out to breakfast together. This is a more casual date choice. The nice thing about a breakfast date is that, if things go well, you can extend the date by doing something like going for a walk. 
  2. Have a cheese tasting. Start your date by visiting a local cheese shop. Spend some time talking about cheeses with a knowledgeable employee, if possible. Then select 3 cheeses, perhaps one made with goat’s milk, one made with cow’s milk, and one made with  sheep’s milk. Grab some delicious bread and/or crackers, and head for your destination. You can have your cheese tasting at home or outdoors. Just remember to bring accessories such as a cutting board, plates, knives, and napkins, if you choose an outdoor setting. You should bring something to drink, like water or a sparkling beverage, too. You can also plan ahead to have some music playing during your cheese tasting, also.   
The last of the Inexpensive Date Night Ideas
  1. I believe that this event only happens one day a year. But since it is free, I think thast it warrants a mention. Visit museums on Annual Museum Day. Museums, zoos, and cultural centers are free across the United States on this day. Go early, and break this visit in half by having lunch at the museum halfway through the visit. You can use the money that you save on entrance fees to buy a dessert or souvenir while at the museum. 

If you have read up to this point, please type the word, “Fun,” in the comments, so that I know that you made it through the list. 

Thanks for visiting! Come back again soon. I post often. 

Wishing you marvelous relationships, 

Rich Mom

Want to read more about making money, saving money, and investing money, check out some other Rich Mom posts. Here are some other posts that you may enjoy:

What are The Benefits of a Good Credit Score? 

5 Suggestions on How To Live Below Your Means

Top 13 Things to Remember About Budgeting

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If you are wondering who Rich Mom is, check out my “About Rich Mom” page. 

Please note: I am not an investment advisor. Always do your own due diligence and research before investing. Check with your own investment advisor. 

The information shared here is not intended as financial advice, just entertainment and encouragement.

Here is a video on how to sketch an apple: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4q2ZzF1tE

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